What we each need to work on is understanding and respect. This takes a lot of practice, but we can succeed if we keep trying, be patient with growth, and stay determined. Every effort counts.
The next time you feel offended by someone, or are having an argument, try to understand where they are coming from. If their thinking is faulty, explain nicely why you think so. - If you find they are actually right, admit it.
Now in regards to loshon hara and gossip, think before speaking. Yes it feels good at the moment to say it, but does it need to be said? Our Yetzer hara says yes and tries to justify it. "They insulted you" or "It's just harmless info." The only time we can say it, or listen to it, is if it's for a constructive purpose, like to protect yourself or others from a dangerous situation, for example. And even then, we still need to investigate to see if it's true.
Listening to general gossip is also bad. Even if we are not saying it, we are still accountable for listening, especially if we accept the info. before investigating. - What do you do in a situation where people you are with are saying it? The Chafetz Chaim gives three ideas.
>Tell them to not do it.
< If this won't work, walk away for a while. -
>If you can't leave, make up in your mind that you will Not accept the info.
In general, we should each work on being understanding and respectful of each other, especially when it's difficult. - Don't gossip. - Plus, we should continue to make an effort to improve. We might see others who are Not doing much while we are trying hard, but don't get discouraged. We should focus on our own personal growth and be a good example for others. - May Am Yisrael be pleasantly inspired to unite and may the geula sheleima come soon
And yes, we should focus on our own personal growth. Sometimes people get so hung up on what everyone else should be doing, but we all have things we need to work on, and we should be focusing on that.
Yep, that last part is especially important for each of us
Thanks, you are so right.
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