In life, we can either let our experiences make us bitter, or we can channel that feeling towards being a good example in order to improve things.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our power

Life is sometimes challenging and we feel like our days are constantly gray. However, we decide how to react and respond. It's easy to let things just get to us and make us misrable and stressed. However, another path we can take is to try to stay positive and do what we can to improve things. It's up to us ---
It might take time of course, but what helps is to think of some pleasent things we have while we are waiting for what we want.

I'm waiting to find a job and a spouse and I'm making an effort to receive both. In the mean time, I'm finishing my degree, do some interesting reading, spend time with friends, listen to music etc. While I feel sometimes that I keep going to job interviews and dates and nothing happens, I have faith that eventually, I'll recieve what I'm looking for IY"H

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