In life, we can either let our experiences make us bitter, or we can channel that feeling towards being a good example in order to improve things.


Monday, December 28, 2009

When Things Heat Up

There's a lot of things going on nowadays. Some natural, like different things caused by weather and other things. Some things that are scary like a terror threat to some country. And some things that are upsetting, like a scandal.
In regards to scandals, people look at it in different ways and either lose hope or try to keep their hope alive.

Some say we are in the time during the birthpangs of Moshiach. While this may look like a cop out, that is not the purpose. It's not to throw off responsibility. People still need to improve the situation. But at least we understand that these challenges are happening at this time because as mentioned above. - Again, we still need to fix things.

We just try to keep our emunah up, otherwise it could crumble, G-d forbid. However, if we have faith there's a light down the road, then we keep going forward.


angel6033 said...

always keep faith that there is alight down the road, specially when you see so much going on you feel the dark is never-ending.

lvnsm said...


ilona@israel said...

you are so right! you know-i am ola hadasha, i am just year and half in israel, and last time i got really curious about our country and political situation around it. i got shoked...with all those ahmadenijads and others who want to boycott us and who hates us so sincerly... but i belive that its gonna be fine...

smb said...

Plus, our prayers and mitzvos can help to make things go more smoothly.

Gutenberg Book Reviews said...

Emuna is the most important thing in life.