In life, we can either let our experiences make us bitter, or we can channel that feeling towards being a good example in order to improve things.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Pesach

Pesach is almost upon us. The time when we were redeemed, and later given the Torah and a mission to keep it so we can connect to Hashem and spread light through the world. There are some times when we might fall back somewhat, but we can still stand back up and go forward. And besides cleaning the house, we should also clean and improve ourselves, either with middos(traits) or spirtual matters etc.
May the final redemption come soon. We can help make it happen with our efforts of self growth, unity, prayer, and emunah(faith)
Hope everyone has a happy Pesach
here is Jewish directory if you are looking for
a pesach seder to go to click here

1 comment:

Choni said...

Chag Kasher V'Same'ach