In life, we can either let our experiences make us bitter, or we can channel that feeling towards being a good example in order to improve things.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Come on in

This speaker Mrs. Palatnik gives a beautiful message about Hachnassat Orchim . There are many people in different places who do this great mitzva.

I remember when I went to Chicago and stayed at a middle aged woman's house for about a week. The host and I shmoozed and shmoozed like we are girlfriends catching up. - For Shabbos, we went to a family next door and had a very nice time there.

Many people have their own way of doing this, depending on what they can do. Of course, some might not be able to do this because of some circumstances. In this case, there are plenty of other things we can do. - And for those who are able to, it is very nice to do.

Mrs. Palatnik, Bed and breakfast


Desperate Faith said...

Over the last few years, my family's abilities to do hachnosas orchim as well as the ways we can do it have changed, but it's a great message. We should not give up on doing the mitzvah.

lvnsm said...

everything counts

wish you kol tov