In life, we can either let our experiences make us bitter, or we can channel that feeling towards being a good example in order to improve things.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

A cat tale

I think a stray cat went underneath my building. It must have gotten in from an uncovered hole on the outside. First, I heard it through the chimney and was wondering where exactly it was. Days later, I heard it through the heating vent while talking on the phone. All of a sudden, I hear a loud meow and I went ahhhhh! My friend said, "What happened?" I told my friend that I think I heard a cat in the vent. They said, "You sure it wasn't a mouse?" I said 'I'm sure. It went meow.' Then we continued our conversation.
I haven't heard it recently and so it probably left.


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

I am scared of cats so glad it went away. There are so many cat stories about cats that just don't leave an area like outside someones house, so ppl attribute it to being a gilgul.

Bas~Melech said...

There has to be a lesson in here somewhere...

Anyway, cats spook me out because they're so sneaky. I once stayed with a family that had a cat-- I never knew where it was; if I couldn't see it I kept my feet up on my seat!

Jacob Da Jew said...

Better go looking for it.

A cat gave birth to two kittens in my building and then disappeared. We heard meowing for days but could not place the source.

Then it died...

The smell was so bad, we had to move out until they found its carcass.

the dreamer said...

maybe it died.
I wouldn't leave it be if i were you...

smb said...

Social, I use to be afraid of them but now not so much. - I've heard stories like that. Interesting.

Bas Melech, lol yea they are pretty sneaky.

Jacob, oy I hope that's not the case here.

Dreamer, that is a possibility.

Bas Melech, thanks

David_on_the_Lake said...

They said, "You sure it wasn't a mouse?" I said 'I'm sure. It went meow.

Gotta love the logic here


smb said...

lol :)