In life, we can either let our experiences make us bitter, or we can channel that feeling towards being a good example in order to improve things.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Looking Within

Through out my life, I have gotten my share of criticism from different people. And every time, it's always a blow to my ego. I used to always defend myself and say, 'Yea but I did this and that.' They didn't care. They just wanted me to listen to them and learn. By the way, I'm talking about people giving my constructive criticism.

And so I decided, that's what I should do. Listen to them and learn. If they are telling me something that can help me improve myself, I should swallow my ego and take in their message.
And so now what I do is, instead of yea but... I say, your right, I should try to...

But if the criticism is pointless, then I feel that I should defend myself or just ignore the person.

I think we can all learn from this. If someone is criticizing us, we should first hear what they are saying and analyze whether they have a good point or no. If they do, we should take it in. If they don't, we should either defend ourself if we need to, or just ignore them.

1 comment:

smb said...

you're welcome